Laugh, cry and leave your world of self-doubt and stress behind. It's time to take hold of the happiness that is rightfully yours with 33 Beliefs for a Happy Life!

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33 Beliefs for a Happy Life is a happiness training manual that the author, Paul Marturano, wrote for himself to try to simplify the large amount of information he has studied over the years on the subjects of happiness, health, success and thought. From this knowledge and his own life experiences, he has compiled 33 Beliefs for a Happy Life. He wrote the book as a reminder to continually develop habits that create happiness in his life and he hopes that you may be able to use this information to do the same. What makes one individual feel happy does not necessarily make another individual feel happy. Happiness is defined as a state of well-being and contentment or a pleasurable or satisfying experience. Happiness is relative to the subject. Happiness is based on the meaning a person gives to an experience. Happiness is a decision that is made by an individual based on how they feel about an experience. Should you decide to get the book, do not just read it... study it and apply the ideas that you think will benefit you.

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